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League of Legends LP Calculator

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League of Legends LP Calculator

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Do you want an accurate estimation of the number of games you need to play to reach your goal rank?'s League of Legends LP Calculator allows you to accurately predict the number of games required to get to your goal rank.

All you need to know to get the calculator to work:

  1. Your current ranked win rate
  2. Your LP gained per win
  3. Your LP gained per loss
  4. # of LP required to get to your goal rank

For example, if you are currently Emerald IV 0LP, with a 55% win rate, and you gain 28 LP per win and 23 LP per loss, it would take you around 79 games to reach Diamond IV 0LP.

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You'll get a League of Legends Ranked LP Calculator that will help you estimate the number of games your require to play to reach your goal rank.

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